ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Generic List - Javascript

I am making a Sidescroller-Shooter Game and im at the point, where i want to add multiple Weapons to my player, that I can switch through. So I used a Generic list to this, which has the variables, that need to be assigned in it.

public class Weapons

	 public var name : String = "Weapon";
	 public var firemode : fMode = fMode.semi;
	 public var firerate : float = 0.1f;
	 public var model : Transform;
	 public var raystart : Transform;
	 public var muzzle : GameObject;
	 public var muzzlelight : Light;

I Better show you the full script, so you can see it better.

#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;
	private var muzzletime : float = 0.1;
	public var CurrentWeapon : Weapons;    //Here i got the List defined
	public var weapons : List.<Weapons>;   //CurrentWeapon is for the Weapon in hand
	weapons = new List.<Weapons>();


	// Use this for initialization
	function Start () {
	weapons.Capacity = 2;
		Debug.Log("möglich" + weapons.Capacity + ", drin" + weapons.Count);
		CurrentWeapon.muzzlelight.light.enabled = true;
		CurrentWeapon = weapons[0]; //here i choose a list entry || It says the Mistake is here
	// Update is called once per frame
	function Update () {
	function Shoot (i : int) {
	if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(i) && CurrentWeapon.firemode == fMode.semi){

		if(Physics.Raycast(CurrentWeapon.raystart.position, CurrentWeapon.raystart.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), 20)){
			Debug.DrawRay(CurrentWeapon.raystart.position,CurrentWeapon.raystart.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * 10,;
			Debug.Log ("Something was hit");
		CurrentWeapon.muzzle.renderer.enabled = true;
		muzzletime = 0.1;
		CurrentWeapon.muzzlelight.light.enabled = true;

		if(muzzletime < 0){
		CurrentWeapon.muzzle.renderer.enabled = false;
function Muzzlecontroll () {

		if(muzzletime >= 0.0){
		muzzletime -= Time.deltaTime;
			if(muzzletime < 0){
		CurrentWeapon.muzzle.renderer.enabled = false;
		CurrentWeapon.muzzlelight.light.enabled = false;


public enum fMode

public class Weapons //<--- The weapon class

	 public var name : String = "Weapon";
	 public var firemode : fMode = fMode.semi;
	 public var firerate : float = 0.1f;
	 public var model : Transform;
	 public var raystart : Transform;
	 public var muzzle : GameObject;
	 public var muzzlelight : Light;

Then i fill in the variables in the editor.
But if i then want to start the game, it sets my size of the list again to 0,
and says: “ArguementOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of Range”

And says the Mistake is thereCurrentWeapon = weapons[0];

Hopy someone could help me and that my Question is readable.
I really need some help.

It’s better to use simple Array in this Case.