ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range.

hello, I get an index out of range exception ,
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

on this line (line 59) in snippet

PhotonNetwork.InstantiateRoomObject(zombiePrefabs[zombie], allSpawns[tempspawn[spawn]].transform.position, allSpawns[tempspawn[spawn]].transform.rotation, 0, instData);

any input would be appreciated!

if (defineSpawn == true)
                                //for loop to spawn the amount of zombies.
                                for (int i = 0; i < toSpawn; i++)
                                    if (zombiePrefabs.Length > 0)

                                        var tempspawn = new List<int>();
                                        //get random zombies id from avail zombie prefabs.
                                        int zombie = Random.Range(0, zombiePrefabs.Length);
                                        int globalZombie = System.Array.IndexOf(zws.zombiePrefabs, zombiePrefabs[Random.Range(0, zombiePrefabs.Length)]);
                                        int spawn = 0;

                                        //if spawnIndex not set, spawn like the old version
                                        if (zws.zombiePrefabs[globalZombie].spawnIndex.Length > 0)

                                            //put all possible spawner for given zombie into a list.
                                            for (int x = 0; x < allSpawns.Length; x++)

                                                if (!allSpawns[x].lockedToArea || allSpawns[x].lockedToArea.isUnlocked)
                                                    if (zws.zombiePrefabs[globalZombie].spawnIndex.Contains(x))
                                            //pick a random spawn to spawn that zombie.
                                            spawn = Random.Range(0, tempspawn.Count);

                                            int skin = Random.Range(0, zombiePrefabs[zombie].skins.Length);

                                            object[] instData = new object[2];

                                            instData[0] = globalZombie;
                                            instData[1] = skin;
                                            //Debug.Log("zombie name: "+ zombiePrefabs[zombie].skins[skin].name + "spawned location" + allSpawns[tempspawn[spawn]].name);
                                            PhotonNetwork.InstantiateRoomObject(zombiePrefabs[zombie], allSpawns[tempspawn[spawn]].transform.position, allSpawns[tempspawn[spawn]].transform.rotation, 0, instData);


                                        //this is old version code.
                                            spawn = Random.Range(0, useableSpawns.Length);
                                            int skin = Random.Range(0, zombiePrefabs[zombie].skins.Length);

                                            object[] instData = new object[2];

                                            instData[0] = globalZombie;
                                            instData[1] = skin;

                                            //Debug.Log("zombie name: " + zombiePrefabs[zombie].skins[skin].name + "spawned location:" + useableSpawns[spawn].name);
                                            PhotonNetwork.InstantiateRoomObject(zombiePrefabs[zombie], useableSpawns[spawn].transform.position, useableSpawns[spawn].transform.rotation, 0, instData);

                                        Debug.LogError("No Zombie Prefabs found");


Here are some notes on IndexOutOfRangeException and ArgumentOutOfRangeException:

Steps to success:

  • find which collection it is (critical first step!)
  • find out why it has fewer items than you expect
  • fix whatever logic is making the indexing value exceed the collection
  • remember you might have more than one instance of this script in your scene/prefab

Output each array before the issue appears to find which one causes the error.


Than it’s simply figuring out why it’s out of range.

Before you get so bold as to do a:

You really should consider doing a:


Otherwise you’re just recreating the same error on another line, which won’t greatly increase knowledge about the data involved.

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@xmonster0 The code seems to be good.
Theoretically the issue can happen if “tempspawn” is empty. Then it will try to reference inexistent “0” index.

Just ignore Kurt-Dekker.
He’s been running around emotionally posting pointless comments for some time now. :slight_smile:

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its been figured out , thanks ntu4ka and kurt-dekker

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