ArgumentOutOfRangeException without reason?

I made a script to handle the bgm of the first level of my game for an assessment, it was working fine yesterday, but i haven’t really touched it since yesterday. Now, i do understand the error is telling me that I’m trying to access either [-1] or a placer higher than the array length, but with my current script this makes no sense.

Here is the whole error report:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count. Parameter name: index

and, Here is my Script,

#pragma strict
@script RequireComponent(AudioSource);
var firstLevelBgm0 : AudioClip;
var firstLevelBgm1 : AudioClip;
var firstLevelBgm2 : AudioClip;
var firstLevelBgm3 : AudioClip;
var firstLevelBgm4 : AudioClip;
var firstLevelBgm5 : AudioClip;
var currentTrack   : AudioClip; // Public AudioClip Variable to Easily look at what track is currently playing while testing.
var trackTimer : float = 0.0f; 	// public Float Varibale to Look at the amount of seconds current track has been playing while testing.
var previousTrack  : AudioClip; // Public AudioClip Variable to Look at the track that was previously playing while testing.
private var currentTrackId : int = 0; //
private var previousTrackId : int = 0; //
private var prePreviousTrackId : int = 0; // This variable is there so the algorithm that chooses the next track can avoid the last two tracks.
private var firstLvTrackList = new Array(); //This private Array holds the list of tracks for the first level's bgm. 

function Awake()
//Fill TrackList at Awake. firstLvTrack[0] is just an empty AudioClip called "None", that will never be played. It is there to make testing nicer 
	firstLvTrackList[0] = firstLevelBgm0;
	firstLvTrackList[1] = firstLevelBgm1;
	firstLvTrackList[2] = firstLevelBgm2;
	firstLvTrackList[3] = firstLevelBgm3;
	firstLvTrackList[4] = firstLevelBgm4;
	firstLvTrackList[5] = firstLevelBgm5;


function Start () {
	currentTrack = firstLevelBgm1; //Set Bgm1 as Current Track at Start. 
	audio.PlayOneShot(firstLevelBgm1); //Play Bgm1 - Because That is the one I like to start the game with ^~^

function Update () {
		trackTimer += Time.deltaTime; //Update Time Elapsed
		PlayBgm(); //Call PlayBgm to play new Track if needed.

function PlayBgm()
	if (trackTimer > 90) // Change Bgm every 90 seconds. 
		prePreviousTrackId = previousTrackId; //Take Note of the track that played before the previous one.  
		previousTrackId = currentTrackId; // Take Note of what track was previously playing
		previousTrack = currentTrack; // previousTrackId is a public variable, and this allows me to see what was the previous track while testing.
//This process will find and play a new *random* Track, however, it will make sure the previous doesn't again. 
		currentTrackId = Random.Range(1, 5); 
		while (currentTrackId == previousTrackId || currentTrackId == prePreviousTrackId) //avoid the last two tracks. 
			Debug.Log("This track already played");
			currentTrackId = Random.Range(1, 5);
		currentTrack = firstLvTrackList[currentTrackId];
		audio.Stop(); //Stopprevious Track
		audio.PlayOneShot(currentTrack); //Play New Track. 
		trackTimer = 0; //Reset TrackTimer for new Track. 


In an array you can use the “Add” method to add elements, you cannot access directly like you do in the Awake method.

If it is not that, could you at least tell us the error line ?