
I am adding an onClick listener to a button thats created at runtime at runtime using:

currentButton.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { 
                            summonGolem(Mod.golems*.golemName, wand);*

And i get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException at:
summonGolem(Mod.golems*.golemName, wand);*
_*Here is the full error*_
Please help!

Your value for i is incorrect & you are running off the end of the golems array.
Add in some debug code like this:

currentButton.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { summon(i);});

void summon(int i)
  Debug.Log("summon "+i);
  Debug.Log("#Golems "+Mod.golems.length);


As your error is in the delegate its very hard to add debug code. This way its easier to add the debug code & find out why it went wrong.