I have merged the “Spring2018_update” branch on Bitbucket to the default, since iOS 11.3 is rolling out today, and ARKit 1.5 is included within. This means you can publish some apps on the store that use the new ARKit 1.5 features!
For most of you that have been playing around with this stuff, it should not mean much change - you can download the release version of XCode 9.3 and build your app with new features on to a device that has upgraded to the release version of iOS 11.3 and test it before publishing the app.
Others who have not looked at the branch I mention above, you can upgrade the plugin from the latest on default branch, or for those who like zips from here. Then do the steps above.
Hiya, I’m not sure how to import the latest release.
Previous Unity-Technologies-unity-arkit-plugin-59dd4d0ecfc6 had a unity-arkit-plugin.unitypackage which imported the package. I was having trouble getting any of the example scenes to build in Xcode so I’m eager to use the the release today to see if the iOS 11.3 release update would handle everything cleanly.
I’ve downloaded both Unity-Technologies-unity-arkit-plugin-7bdea857dc38 and Unity-Technologies-unity-arkit-plugin-115b07dc121b but they don’t have a .unitypackage file in them and I’ve tried dropping the assets into a new Unity project but none of the scenes will run.
The older ARkit 1.0 plugin from the official asset store works fine but I really want to start using the vertical plane detection.
The download should be self contained - it is a Unity project. Start Unity 2017.1 and ask it to open the root of this folder as a project. See the README.md file for instructions and more details.