ARKit Plane Classifications in MARS

Is there any way to access ARKit Plane Classifications in MARS? I’m trying to understand the relationship between ARFoundation and MARS - the ARFoundation samples have a scene that does this by grabbing the classification from the ARPlane class but planes are defined by the MRPlane class in MARS which doesn’t have this property.

Is there a way for ARFoundation to provide the classification to MARS? I see that the method ToMRPlane() in class ARPlaneExtensions doesn’t copy over the PlaneClassification property. So now I’m thinking I need to write a custom Provider to copy this data into e.g. a custom MRPlaneClassification class. Would that work? How would I go about using such a provider?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree?


As you note we don’t propagate the classification to MRPlane. If you want to add this (without modifying MARS itself) you can make a new provider from a copy of ARFoundationPlaneProvider that adds the extra data you want and then in the default functionality island use your provider for IProvidesPlaneFinding.