Can’t seem to get a working connection.
Here’s what I’ve done:
- Add Unity Arkit plugin to a project (from the marketplace)
- Build the remote scene (see attached image for settings - I’m using develop + debug mode)
- In xcode, add my team and set to 11.0, add CoreImage
- Build successfully to my iphone 7+ / iOS 11.0.3
- Back in Unity, trying different scenes from the plugin examples. With each one, Adding the ARKitRemoteConnection prefab in its root if not already there.
- Make sure the remote app is running on my phone - I see the dark screen with “Waiting for editor connection”
- Press play and then go to the console dropdown to connect to “iphonePlayer(iPhone):56000”
- Press the Connect button in the viewer…but it doesn’t disappear and nothing ever happens
In the console, it looks like something is happening! See attached.
One time - just once - the camera permissions popup appeared on my phone but nothing happened when I clicked it.
Also, here’s a gist with my xcode output as I’m clicking around and repeatedly trying to connect.
Folks, this really needs a manual page. I’ve found 3 different sets of instructions for the remote in different places, and they all vary slightly.
- In the plugin’s Remote folder’s readme
- ARKit support for iOS via Unity-ARKit-Plugin page-13#post-3153415
- Unity Blog
I desperately need to get this to work asap or I’m going to have to develop a pure swift arkit app. bummer.
(Also…I can’t login to unity answers to post this there for some godforsaken reason…)