ARKit touch instanciated object to interact with it (tap on it)

Hello everyone!
I am super new to ARKit, I purchased the Udacity course but it is of no help :confused:

I am stuck in this:
How can I touch a 3D object (a 3D pet) I instantiated by taping on it and make it for example pop a Menu.
Do you know any tutorials or help I can get with this?

Thank you!

Hi @reinabada ,
You can look into the Raycast API. There is an example here of how to create a ray where someone touches their phone. That should get you started. Let us know if you have further questions.

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Hi @christophergoy ,
I need to anchor a game object in a world location using unity+ arkit in a way that if I move around it , it is fixed to that location and not move and I can look at at from any angle. Could you help with this, please?

Hi @unity_kL_TzixRYKkpHg ,
If you just place an object in the scene you should be able to achieve this. This is what the ARKit plugin does by default.