ARMv7 and 32-bit compatibility causing errors

Hi. I’m currently following a tutorial on Vuforia and Unity integration for Android.

My use case will eventually involve a 32-bit device (the Vuzix Blade 2), and according to the integration tutorial (, ARMv7 support is required due to issues with 32-bit compatibility.

This is the error I got.

Error building Player: Note that you’re currently targeting 32-bit (ARMv7) and ARCore is removing support for 32-bit only apps on 64-bit devices. This removed support might result into a black screen. Please target also 64-bit (ARM64) if your app is used on 64-bit devices.

These are my settings.

Based on my research from here ( [Solved] IL2CPP android build ARMv7 + ARM64 --FAILS )(unity game engine - This app includes the following 32-bit only (armeabi-v7a) libraries: Oculus Dev Hub Submission Fail - Stack Overflow), this is caused by ARMv7 being for 32-bit and Android no longer supporting 32-bit applications.

However, the research suggests that this error should not manifest as long as ARM64 is checked. In my case, ARM64 is checked alongside ARMv7 but the error persists.

Unchecking ARMv7 solves the issue and no longer causes an error, but makes it incompatible with 32-bit devices.

I want to be able to have ARMv7 active (as my hardware’s tutorial requests) but also not have this error, but am unsure how to proceed. Please let me know if more information is required.


Hello,i am facing the same problem. did you find a way to solve it?