Array (List) with multiple variable types?

Good day community )
I’m trying to create some sort of database. So I made 2 scripts.
1st is:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Lists

    public List<GameObject> gos;
    public int qwty;
    public int prefQwty;
    public string[] prefPath;
    public GameObject goFather;
    public Vector3 pos;

    public Lists(){}

And the 2nd one is:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Adder

    public int goQwty = 2;

    public void Add()
        Lists[] toCreate = new Lists[goQwty];

        toCreate[0].gos = new List<GameObject>(); 
        toCreate[0].qwty = 10;
        toCreate[0].prefQwty = toCreate[0].gos.Count;
        toCreate[0].prefPath[0] = "/Stuff/Bullets/Bullet";
        toCreate[0].goFather = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        toCreate[0].pos = new Vector3(.5f, 0, 0); 

        toCreate[1].gos = new List<GameObject>();
        toCreate[1].qwty = 10;
        toCreate[1].prefQwty = toCreate[0].gos.Count;
        toCreate[1].prefPath[0] = "/Chars/Enemies/Red";
        toCreate[1].goFather = GameMaster.Instance.enemies;
        toCreate[1].pos =; 

But when I’m trying to “create” something using this database, it’s always gives me this annoying “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” (
Can U tell me, what am I doing wrong pls)))

You haven’t initialized properly the prefPath arrays.


toCreate[0].prefPath = new string[1];
toCreate[0].prefPath[0] = "/Stuff/Bullets/Bullet";

toCreate[1].prefPath = new string[1];
toCreate[1].prefPath[0] = "/Chars/Enemies/Red";

What line is giving you this error? It seems a GameObject or variable was not set: either in the inspector or the code, provided you can give us what line the error is on…

I even tried to make this with List<> instead of Array

First script:

public class Lists

    public List<GameObject> gos;
    public int qwty;    
    public string[] prefPath;
    public int prefQwty;
    public GameObject goFather;
    public Vector3 pos;

    public Lists(List<GameObject> Gos, int Qwty, string[] PrefPath, int PrefQwty, GameObject GoFather, Vector3 Pos) 
        Gos = gos;
        Qwty = qwty;        
        PrefPath = prefPath;
        PrefQwty = prefQwty;
        GoFather = goFather;
        Pos = pos;

And the second:

public class Adder

    public int goQwty = 2;

    public void Add()
        List<Lists> toCreate = new List<Lists>();

        toCreate.Add(new Lists(new List<GameObject>(), 10, new string[1] { "/Stuff/Bullets/Bullet" }, 1, GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.GetChild(0).gameObject, new Vector3(.5f, 0, 0)));
        toCreate.Add(new Lists(new List<GameObject>(), 10, new string[1] { "/Chars/Enemies/Red" }, 1, GameMaster.Instance.enemies, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));

        for (int i = 0; i < toCreate.Count; i++)
            Pooler.Instance.Create(toCreate<em>.gos, toCreate<em>.qwty, toCreate<em>.prefPath, toCreate<em>.prefQwty, toCreate_.goFather, toCreate*.pos);*_</em></em></em></em>

Debug.Log(toCreate.gos + " " + toCreate.qwty + " " + toCreate.prefPath + " " + toCreate.prefQwty + " " + toCreate_.goFather + " " + toCreate*.pos);

But Debug.Log shows me (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
And I don’t understand whats going on))_