Array of a custom class giving an error


I’ve created a class called IWeapon and when I try to make an array of it, I get the following error “Cannot apply indexing with to an expression of type ‘IWeapon’” can anyone tell me what is wrong please? Here are the scripts for IWeapon and IItem, which it inherits from

public class IWeapon : IItem
	public enum Type
		Sword,			//0
		Lance,			//1
		Staff,			//2
		Bow,			//3
		Axe,			//4
		Hammer,			//5
	public Type type;
	public int atk;

	public IWeapon()

	public IWeapon(string wname, string wdesc, IWeapon.Type wtype, int watk)
		itemName = wname;
		description = wdesc;
		type = wtype;
		atk = watk;

public class IItem
	public string itemName;
	public string description;

	public IItem()

	public IItem(string iname, string idesc)
		itemName = iname;
		description = idesc;

u use only I for Interfaces … if u writing an class remove the I … Interfaces arent classes but they implement an standart behavior for ther classes

Type is alredy an Class … i think there are Problems with the namespaces,because u have now 2 options for Type (ure enum and the .getTpy()// typof())…fix this…then u can call the base constructor…so u havnt to implement all the stuff ureself

It looks like

public Weapon(string wname, string wdesc, IWeapon.Type wtype, int watk):base(wname,wdesc)
//type = wtype; //
atk = watk;

FINALY something is with ure syntax wrong. Indexing is that u can index an object like an array like Instance. For that behavior u have to iplement a this method…google it ore use the msdn…But u dont want to index u want an array so Weapon wpn = Weapon[Xxx]