I understand that a way to use the keyword in would be:
var names = Array("max", "rick", "joe");
if ("joe" in names) Debug.Log("Found Joe!");
I created a variable which is an Array of possible tags (as I input them in the Inspector) of my laser beam which is colliding with alien spacecrafts:
var arrayOfColliderTags : Array = new Array("aaa", "bbb", "cccc", "ddd");
and I want the alien spacecraft that I attach this script on, to do something when my laser beams tag is NOT one of the aforementioned Arrays tags. So I say:
if (!col.gameObject.tag in arrayOfGoodColliders){
... do something...
I am a beginner, this might seem really basic for most of you, but this script doesnt do anything... Does it have to do with the fact that the Tag is a String? Thanks for reading :-)