Array of Vector3[positions]

How can i build an array of vector3 positions?



var positions : Vector3[];

or in C#

Vector3[] positions;

Then either populate in manually in the inspector or programmatically.

Example. C#:

Vector3[] positions;

void Start() {
     Transform[] players = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SomeIdentifyingType)) as Transform[];
     //Create an array of player objects.
     // I haven't found a way of doing this without creating a helper array.

     positions = new Vector3[players.Length];
     //Recreate the array a different size.

     for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) {
          positions _= players*.position;*_
 _*//add every position into the array.*_
_*//This should be straightforward to put into js.*_

For a built-in (standard) array you build it like any other array:

var myArray : Vector3[] = Vector[5];
myArray[0] = transform.position;