Hi, I'm having an issue with setting up variables in an instantiated object. It appears that when I try to setup an Array variable in the instatiated object, it works the first time, but when I create anymore of the same object, the array variable is updated in all of them.
Whats frustrating though is that other variable types (i.e `int`, `float` etc) stay unique to the instance.
I came across this question, which suggests the problem might be that I'm changing the variables inside the prefab itself and not the instantiated object, but it doesn't seem to work with arrays.
Here is the relevent code: (with variable and function names changed for convienence)
`MainController.js`: Added to an empty GameObject in scene
var prefabToInstantiate : InstanceControlScript;
private var array1 = Array(arrayLength);
private var array2 = Array(arrayLength);
private var someOtherVar : int;
//Some code which sets data in arrays and calls CreateInstance() when Fire1 is pressed
function CreateInstance(){
var newInstance = Instantiate(prefabToInstantiate, pos, rot);
newInstance.arrayX = array1;
newInstance.arrayY = array2;
newInstance.someInteger = someOtherVar;
I drag the prefab with the script below onto the prefabToInstaniate field in the inspector
private var arrayX : Array;
private var arrayY : Array;
private var someInteger : int;
function Update(){
//some code which reads and acts to the new arrays and variables
Any help will be greatly appreciated!