Arrays declared differently in Unity3?

I’m testing out the Unity3 beta and many of my library scripts are breaking. Specifically this seems to be rejected by the Unity compiler now:

var array:Array = [];

If you replace [ ] with new Array() all is well. Did the literal Array get removed somehow in UnityScript? Should I file a bug report?

I would write var arrayName : Array; to declare an array without putting contents.

I can’t comment on the syntax issue dkoontz, but AkilaeTribe, your suggestion results in different behaviour. dkoontz declares and initializes an empty array while yours will declare a null reference waiting to be initialized.

Response deleted… Sorry, misread your post.

I never declare variables that way, but if it worked in previous versions of Unity you should file a bug report.

This seems to be fixed in beta 4, so it’s a non issue now.