So I’ve been searching for a way to use arrays in classes, but I honestly don’t know what to look for and I can’t find an example of anyone doing this online.
Can anyone tell me what the correct format?
public class ClassExample
public int[] example1 { get; set; } // Doesn't give an error, but you can't set it with example1 = 5
public int[] example2 = new int[5] { get; set; } //Causses get and set to give an error
A field is a member of a class that is actually stored in memory:
public class ClassExample
public int[] example1;
You don’t need to write getters or setters; you can just access it:
void Start()
example1 = new int[5]; // allocate an array of 5 integers
void Update()
example1[0] += 2; // add two to the first integer in the array
A property on the other hand is not stored in memory. It simply exposes a way to access a value (read via get, or write via set, or both). That value might, underneath, be a field, or it might not:
public class ClassExample
private int[] example1;
public int FirstValue { get => example1[0]; }
EDIT FOR CORRECTNESS - removed misleading info about properties.
Is the syntax for an auto-property. This is just a shorthand for this:
private int[] _example1;
public int[] example1
return _example1;
_example1 = value;
Your second line
public int[] example2 = new int[5] { get; set; }
Just makes no sense. You declared an int array field (which is the first part public int[ ] example2). You also used a field initializer (because you have an equals sign right after the field declaration). Behind the “=” is the actual value the field is initialized to. This creates a new int array with 5 elements new int[5] . An array constructor can have an array / list initializer behind it that would contain the actual values you want to put into the array. Like this new int[ ] {1, 42, 5, 123 }.
Using the keywords get / set inside an array initializer makes no sense.
All of the above is valid, but I figure I’d add that auto-properties can be initialized - you just need to place the initialization code after the { get; set; } part:
public int[] example2 { get; set; } = new int[5];
// OR
public int[] example2 { get; set; } = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Maybe back up a little? You wrote that you want to use arrays with classes. That would be something like an array of Cats (where Cat is a class with name, age and cuteness). But your example isn’t using a class – just an array of ints, which isn’t a class.
So maybe instead ask something like “I want an array of numbers – how to write that?” or “I want to practice with get/get, what’s the simplest example of using those and also having an array?”
Okay, so I’m a little confused. Are you saying that if I want to create a class to use as a database of objects with certain properties in my game, I don’t have to use {get; set;} at all? Sorry.
Oh, and could you maybe tell me how to add data to it? list.Add(new Faction() {example[5] = 5}) doesn’t seem to work.
Yes – get and set are completely optional. A fully functional class might look like:
public class Item {
public string name, description;
public int cost;
If you have public Item[ ] ItemList; then Unity will add a list of those in the Inspector. It starts with 0 items, but you can type a larger value, then type into the name/desc/cost slots.