So, FINALLY I am getting an artist to start looking into and creating some assets for some of the content we are creating. They have asked for some resources etc. on modeling techniques and the like. I recall some floating around here and sort of mentioned that there were some links to Quake modelling techniques etc.
Could anyone recommend links/resources I can share with them?
– Clint
What program(s) will this person be using?
Max and Maya which they know fairly well. It is mostly techniques for creating the “best” are for the engine they are wondering about.
– Clint
In summary. Create few objects with lots of triangles instead of lots of objects with few triangles, dont use multiple materials per mesh.
The optimal triangle count for a mesh is somewhere at 1500-3000 triangles.
Excellent Joe thanks! If this was likened to programming for another game engine would it be similar to Quake? Unreal? Something else?
My thought is maybe they could get some additional information from there. To be honest, I am not 100% sure what they are looking for outside the documentation you listed above and the few links I had passed them.
Regards and hope all is well.
– Clint
A tutorial for art in Unreal or Doom3 or Quake 3 should be fine.
once you get to a certain point, you basically just have to come up with your own pipeline and graphical limitations… and the best way to figure out all the details for those is to test things out.
For example, Unity is almost capable of doom3 quality, but not necessarily the same framerates. The only way to know this would be to make something of similar quality and test it in unity.
The question you’re asking also depends highly upon your target audience. Are you aiming at people with the best graphics cards, or would you like to include people with lower end cards as well?
Thank you for the insight!
The range of graphic card is definitely going to be broad (as well as platform independent [PC Mac]).
– Clint