Articulation Body Visualisation Gizmos

Hey everyone!

We’ve made the gizmos use the same tools as are employed by the regular joint editors. That change means visual consistency and an additional bonus in the form of being able to also edit the limits visually – which was impossible before.

Revolute/Spherical Joint

The revolute and spherical joint editor should feel familiar to regular joints, both in style and functionality. You can change the limits for each axis using the relevant handles. Each axis is denoted by a color, the same as regular joints.

Prismatic Joint

The prismatic joint editor is new. It shows the upper and lower limits of the joint with a green and red handle respectively.

For the free prismatic joint type, we just skip drawing the handles and draw the dashed line some distance in both directions

Anchor Transform Tool

This tool visualises both the anchor and the parent anchor position/rotation and allows to modify them from the scene view.

The gizmos will now only show up if the relevant tool is active:

Left - Joint Limit Tool - view and change Prismatic, Revolute or Spherical joint limits

Right - Anchor Transform Tool - view and change the positions and rotations of the anchors themselves

I’d really love to hear your feedback on this change.

The new visualisations should be available since 2021.2.0a21!


I really like seeing the articulations workflow improve! Thanks for the update!

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Super awesome! Gismos are really useful, especially for beginners. Wish every single argument in configurable join.

@WashingMachine Do these gizmos scale independently of the world scale? i.e. they behave like how the move and rotation gizmos stay a constant size no matter the zoom level. Primarily concerned about the size of the handles, since I work with things in smaller than 30 centimeters in scale.

Nice Job! I hope this features will be available in DOTS physic versions as well!

Yes they are anchored in screen space, just like the regular joints gizmos. You should be able to work with small articulation bodies no problem!

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