Artifacts when using Toon Shaders .

H, I used a Toon Lighted/Outline shader in the model whose I attached but when I zoom the camera(Mouse wheel) in the scene view, OR get transport the camera object near its surface in the play mode I get those nasty white striopes of artifacts, looks something more deep than just the shader like a gremlin in the rendering pipe or is it my machine and not unity or the toon shader?

EDIT- It’s gone, looks perfect again, I don’t know how but I noticed the outline color isn’t outlining the inward edges but only the outward(convex edges), it might not be good in some contexts, now how to fix this- thankyou for your heart-openess.

That looks more like z-fighting to me.

Something to do with your model having two polygons sat either right on top of each other or very close/intersecting.