Ask..."I lova Pasta" style game in unity?

is that possible to create this in unity? Im starting learning 2D game in unity, but I need to now basic for this style of game…
I’m not talking about gameplay like cooking or what, but about

  • how the character/npc can walking behind/front/side of the building?
  • hou the part of building(roof/front wall) can fading-out/disappear when character going to the inside?
  • is this game 3D or 2D…
  • how their can place the furniture on their place? i mean their can move the chair, table, etc
    I can understand if this game is 3D, but if this 2D I really hard to guessing it.

Im not skillful in 2D, about the sprites, physics, etc
but now I’m starting learning about 2D in unity,
but atleast I want to know about this game style like 2d or 3d, or like what I’m talking before, or do you know about projects similar like this in unity assets store?
here the image, I found it in google:
game: I love pasta
dev: Paty Games
video trailer:

thanks, this is my first thread, so please guide me if I’m make a mistakes :smile:

If its a game, it can be made in Unity.

Not sure I would tackle something like this as a learning project.


By simply adjusting the order in which the sprites are rendered.

By simply adjusting the material for the sprites.

By simply adjusting the transform for the sprite representing the object.

It’s very much 2D with an isometric projection.

You’ll almost never find complete projects in the Unity Asset Store for games. There are assets for assisting with isometric projection but it’s still very much an advanced topic and isn’t a topic for a beginner to attempt. If you lack experience with Unity you’re better off starting with the Unity Learn section and much simpler games.


haha, for the complete game I think this is hard just for learning, but I only want to know about how the character can freely walk in this style of game, the big problem is I want to create this style in 2D, if for 3D I think it’s still easy enough even for beginner like me, but for 2D it is really hard for me :frowning:

about the disappear a part of building, what you mean by changing the material?
In my opinion we can destroy object of the roof or front wall when character inside the building,
but the problem is how to tell “hi, the character is inside house, remove the front wall and roof”
because I’m not sure this is 2D or 3D, if 3D we can create trigger system for it, but for 2D Im not sure because Im not understand how the sprites work for this style of game or 2D system in unity.

but you’re right, I think I must learn 2D in unity first…

thanks for reply, @Kiwasi @Ryiah :smile:

Materials control how the game renders an object.