Asking for help again on a Mario 64 Script

I ask for help and I get someone telling me that thread are no used like what I ask before. So the Ill ask more direct.
Can someone help me make a script for a game that plays almost exactly as Super Mario 64?

Please I don’t care if its a video tutorial or the scripts but I want some help since I’m a complete noob at scripting and the tutorials don’t explain very well so no help from unity tutorial video.

What do you need help with?

There are lots of scripts that go together to make a game like Super Mario 64.
Your question is a bit too vague for someone to help you, since we have no clue what you need help with.

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Well controls should be great what I’m looking to make a demo to show. In fact tell me all that you know that can help me or tell me where to go so to do what.
Example: to controls

Go over to the learn section. You are going to have to spend a lot of time there before you can make a Mario clone.


I see whar you mean of third person script but its not like what II want so what kind of changes do I make?

Well I went there but I’m pretty sure that they are talking about another games or scene.
So if to be sure which do you recommend that I watch?

That depends on what you want. Nobody here is gonna be able to tell you exactly what to change to get the Mario clone you want. You’ll need to learn a bit of coding, and then you’ll know what changes you have to make.

Like BoredMormon said, you’re gonna need to learn a lot before you can make what you want.

Well OK but then what do I learn then

  1. Scripts as Behaviour Components

  2. Variables and Functions

  3. Conventions and Syntax

  4. C# vs JS syntax

  5. IF Statements

  6. Loops

  7. Scope and Access Modifiers

  8. Awake and Start

  9. Update and FixedUpdate

  10. Vector Maths

  11. Enabling and Disabling Components

  12. Activating GameObjects

  13. Translate and Rotate

  14. Look At

  15. Linear Interpolation

  16. Destroy

  17. GetButton and GetKey

  18. GetAxis

  19. OnMouseDown

  20. GetComponent

  21. Data Types

  22. Delta Time

  23. Classes

  24. Instantiate

  25. Arrays

  26. Invoke

  27. Enumerations

  28. Switch Statements

Witch one do you recommend.


  1. Properties

  2. Ternary Operator

  3. Statics

  4. Method Overloading

  5. Generics

  6. Inheritance

  7. Polymorphism

  8. Member Hiding

  9. Overriding

  10. Interfaces

  11. Extension Methods

  12. Namespaces

  13. Lists and Dictionaries

  14. Coroutines

  15. Quaternions

  16. Delegates

  17. Events

  18. Attributes

All of them. Twice.

OK but I still swear i can make game with some of these Of course there are some exception but anyways some talk nonsense that I don’t see in my game.
Ill look at them but in the process Ill try to narrow it down

If you are new to programming I recommend this:

It’s long but it shows everything you need to know about making a game. Also it shows how to make a space shooting game, but you can still learn a lot. You will learn how to move things, how to create enemies, etc.

After watching these you will be a lot better at programming and can understand how to make mario better. :slight_smile: