Assembly Definitions

So, Assembly Definitions are one of the Unity’s features. It is recommended to use them to keep your code organized and it will also help with compilations times on big projects, etc. So, I was wondering, is this Open Project viable to use this feature? How big should the project be to use them? I remember that I tried using them but it conflicted with third party libraries and so on. Is this something that you might explore in Open Project?

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We might introduce them, maybe after “release”.

Technically we should have done it from the beginning, however it’s hard to do it in a project that is completely open and where ultimately we can set rules, but enforcing those rules is a task that falls on us (the maintainers of the repo) and only translates in more work.
The code in OP is not so much to really benefit hugely from having asmdef files.

But again, maybe we’ll introduce them at the end just to show their usage.

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