Assembly errors with "Lumin" in Unity IAP 4.12.2

I was implementing Unity IAP 4.12.2 and trying to implement validator. Unity created GooglePlayTangle class, I added assembly reference to Purchasing.Security, but then I got build error, which was saying:
Assets\Scripts\UnityPurchasing\generated\GooglePlayTangle.cs(15,20): error CS0103: The name 'Obfuscator' does not exist in the current context

After further look, I find that some Purchasing assemblies has load errors because they are targeting “Lumin” platform.

I don’t have Lumin module in my Unity Hub so I cannot load one. Closing and opening project doesn’t help. And if I will delete “Lumin” from assembly file, Unity will just return it back. What can I do in this situation?

Unity version is 2022.3.19f1.

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I was able to replicate your issue and managed to solve it by adding the following references to the asmdef:


Could you test this and let us know if it worked?

For the Lumin error, this is something we’ll be fixing, but it doesn’t seem to cause issues outside of making the assembly not load in the editor.


Hmm, I had “UnityEngine.Purchasing.SecurityStub” reference before, but I been able to build the game only after adding “UnityEngine.Purchasing.SecurityCore” and “UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security”.

Thank you.