Assertion failed on expression: 'scriptedImporterClass == SCRIPTING_NULL

Not sure what this bug is, but ive deleted library, deleted Multiplayer playmode, updated to latest unity preview, made a new project and still has it, Assertion failed on expression:

Assertion failed on expression: 'scriptedImporterClass == SCRIPTING_NULL || uniqueDomainId == MonoDomainGetUniqueId()'
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I am receiving the same error. Unsure what is going on with it. Same steps where attempted.

Assertion failed on expression: 'scriptedImporterClass == SCRIPTING_NULL || uniqueDomainId == MonoDomainGetUniqueId()'

Unity 6 Preview. Trying to use Multiplayer Playmode.

I just made a new project and it seems to work fine for me now! I have no idea what the error could be still unfortunately.

I have also started getting this error. I didn’t update any package to trigger it, and was using MPM on two different projects with no issue. I also had an issue in both projects where “Multiplayer” was unknown in using Unity.Multiplayer.Playmode;

I’m not sure what could cause this, but after some restarts, the code compiled. It was after this point that I started getting the same error OP has, however, I’m not certain the two are 100% related.

I’m also seeing this error after deleting Library folder and relaunching the project fresh.

I’m also having this error on unity 6 preview

Same here on 6000.0.2f1

Thanks for reporting the issue. The bug will be fixed at the engine level, I see there is a PR open for it already.

Im receiving the same error

Assertion failed on expression: 'scriptedImporterClass == SCRIPTING_NULL || uniqueDomainId == MonoDomainGetUniqueId()'

Its in the second players console log, but the main console log is fine.

I am using version 6000.0.4f1

Can you send the PR link here, please?

Exactly the same issue here, Unity 6 MPPM 1. Main editor instance is fine, MPPM crashes immediately after loading the default Scene.

Unity, what is the timeline for addressing this complete showstopper?? To be clear, everybody in this thread is completely UNABLE TO USE MPPM because of this issue and it has been here for months!

This should have been fixed with 6000.0.8f1.
Could you let us know which version of the engine and Multiplayer Playmode you are using ?

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I am sorry for sounding agitated, I thought the issue was being ignored.
Thank you so much - you are right that the latest 6 has fixed it for me! :raised_hands:

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