These errors keep popping up every frame, as does a MouseEvent error. But I’m not even using mouse events… “Screen position out of view of frustum” each time I hover over the Game View on Play Mode.
It just started doing this this afternoon.
In a Development Build, this also happens: Both errors flood the console thingy. It’s a tad irritating searching through that for actual errors in MY scripting.
Any idea what could cause this? And can I send anything over to help?
I had my pause script set timeScale to 0
And when I reload the scene it didn’t automatically reset to default, so that it confused trails, lerp, smoothdamp, etc. functions
So I had to manually set it to default in Start() or right before reloading
Thats strange. The only place I can see an assert like that is in the shadow culling code.
If you have a project producing this error please file a bug report so we can look into it. Asserts are things that should never happen.
I ran into this bug today too. Thanks to the above replies I was able to track it down. I had a SmoothDamp controlling my cameras orthographic size every frame. If I changed the orthographic size value while Time.timeScale was zero the error messages appeared. (21 errors in my case). The solution was to simply put a check to ensure the smoothdamp code didn’t run unless timeScale was non-zero.
For future reference I was seeing this assertion when setting a camera’s aspect to zero and calling Render() on it. Fixing the aspect value made it go away.
Same issue in 2022.2.14. No shadow from my directional light, ever, but other lights work ok. The only shadow i get is a thin strip in the global Y plane. The assert is intermittent.