I’m looking for an asset that would allow me to walk a user through a scene. I.e. the user would click on an input in the GUI and get taken to a certain camera view where some customisable text would display, and then click next and get taken to the next camera view (with the camera lerping preferably). Anyone know of anything like this that’s available?
I suggest you look at some of the camera systems. Often the demo will have this functionality to demo the asset, assuming the demo comes with the asset then you will have what is required. THe KGFCamerasystem may do what you require, but I’m not certain whether it has a text component in scene.
Also consider a sequencer such as uSequencer or Cinema Director. These allow you to define smooth camera moves and other things (such as playing animation or audio), and scrub back and forth as you edit the sequence.
If you get uSequencer, ask on the forum thread how to click next to proceed. The developers are very helpful.