Asset Bundle Compatibility Issue with different Unity versions.

This is a query regarding the Asset Bundle loading incompatibility with different versions of Unity. This looks like the post where it has been discussed before but its not clear to me what was the conclusion or solution there. I would like to know if there has been any developments or work-arounds for this problem.

The question is basically, if i have large amounts of data packages in the form of Asset Bundles that users would be downloading into the App, How can i ensure that with each upgrade in unity versions, these Asset bundles are loadable? Or should I just stick to one version the entire time?

Just stick to one version the entire time.

(The runtime you use is not able to load asset bundles created with a newer editor. Well, it might work depending on what changes are made to the file formats used in newer versions. I personally would not risk this, and just stick to a single version.)