Asset Bundle issues on unity 5.0.1 (and earlier)

Still having major issues with Asset Bundles in 5.0.1, is anyone else seeing these types of issues?

  1. Some complex relationships cause materials to lose pointers to their textures. Right now every ship in my game has to duplicate several megs of textures because if I break them out into their own asset bundle the material will break.
  2. “Fixing reference to the runtime script in scene file!” errors, with no information about what is causing the error. There are bugs filled on this marked fixed, but I’m still getting them.
  3. “The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!” errors on ScriptableObject derived objects included in Asset Bundles, even when the script is not missing.
  4. Some assets won’t asset bundle correctly. For instance, the sun prefabs in my game share a reference to the ProFlares prefab they use. Since this includes a huge texture, I have it all in a shared asset bundle. However, on OSX builds this breaks, so I had to move the prefab out of the shared asset bundle and only have the texture in the bundle (which causes the prefab to be included in every sun, even though it could be shared). I see lots of these types of issues, where I have to make an adjustment to the asset bundle relationships to get it to work correctly. However, these issues are sometimes platform dependent, causing me no end of wasted time as I track them all down and experiment with different combinations.
  1. ScriptableObject’s do not serialize their script or dependencies correctly AT ALL. Create a simple ScriptableObject based class and create an instance of it as an asset. Give it a texture reference and drag in a texture. Add this to an asset bundle and build. Open the manifest, no reference to the texture in the assets list. If loaded, you’ll get “The reference script on this behavior is missing” errors. My theory is that the script isn’t referenced correctly at build time, thus the texture (or any other) references are broken.

Running on 5.0.1.p1, btw - the latest patch…

Hi! I have the same issue on 5.0.2p2. When i try to build bundle it not collects dependencies of my ScriptableObject.