Asset Bundle Manifest Null

Hello, I’ve had this problem for a while and assumed it was something to do with my setup or just a bug, but it’s started to cause serious issues.

When I build Asset Bundles, using BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles I don’t get a manifest returned, even when it has successfully built the bundles in question.
This means I have no idea of dependencies and can’t load the bundles back in.

This may be caused by some of the errors I get while building:

!asset.IsFolderAsset ()
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildAssetBundles(String, BuildAssetBundleOptions, BuildTarget)

I get this on two of my folders:

Unrecognized assets cannot be included in AssetBundles: "Assets/Exportables/Animations/Clips/CharAnim/Kickboxing".
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildAssetBundles(String, BuildAssetBundleOptions, BuildTarget)

The way I have set up my bundles to build is to set the Asset Label on the root folder, so I can group all Animations / Sounds / Textures under a folder together rather than tagging each individual asset.

Same here. It usually build all bundles even after prompting the error.

Could any one of you please file a bug for this?

Unfortunately not, my project contains sensitive data and I’m unable to share it. I can’t reproduce it in a simple repro project either.

Then could you please let me know the type of “Assets/Exportables/Animations/Clips/CharAnim/Kickboxing”?

It’s a folder.

As mentioned in my first post, I tag the folders with the bundle labels rather than the enclosed assets.

CharAnim/Kickboxing is one of many folders that are ‘included’ but not all of them throw this error.

Any work around? I am facing the same issue.

The only workaround I have to delete a small bundle and rebuild. Eventually it decides to work and give me a Manifest.

Ok so what was happening with me is that, I have two folders containing images in my resources folder with the following hierarchy :

Resources->Images->Cards->[Some images & some more folders with images inside].
Resources->Images->Emoji_packs->[Some folders with images and spritesheet inside].

On building the assetbundle it showed the following error and warning :

asset.IsFolderAsset ()
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildAssetBundles(String, BuildAssetBundleOptions, BuildTarget
Unrecognized assets cannot be included in AssetBundles: “Assets/Resources/Images/Emoji_packs”.
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildAssetBundles(String, BuildAssetBundleOptions, BuildTarget)

It did build a bundle, but only contained Images from the cards folder, and just a mention of the ‘Emoji_packs’ folder.

Upon my various attempts to find a workaround I observed that the .meta of ‘Emoji_packs’ folder had been changing very weirdly. I saved a few of them as text mentioned below:

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 3a2dbff5d639e4d66a0344e9c1bb4b62
folderAsset: yes
assetBundleName: emoji_card_assetbundle.unity3d {Double name fields, of which one is empty}

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 3a2dbff5d639e4d66a0344e9c1bb4b62
folderAsset: yes
timeCreated: 1429102700
licenseType: Free
assetBundleName: emoji_card_assetbundle.unity3d
{This informatino wasnt present in the card.meta file}

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 3a2dbff5d639e4d66a0344e9c1bb4b62
folderAsset: yes
timeCreated: 1429102614
licenseType: Free
assetBundleName: emoji_card_assetbundle.unity3d

{Combination of the above two.}

To make it work, I deleted ‘Library’ & ‘Temp’ folder. Then before opening unity I modified the .meta of ‘Emoji_packs’ folder to this and it finally worked :smile: -

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 3a2dbff5d639e4d66a0344e9c1bb4b62
folderAsset: yes
assetBundleName: emoji_card_assetbundle.unity3d

P.S. Using unity 5.0.1f1 on a Windows machine.

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I have tried looking at the meta files and clearing my library and temp folders. None have worked.
Here is the Kickboxing.meta file:

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 44f61b131f0b30144b3162f43e26df88
folderAsset: yes
timeCreated: 1428583127
licenseType: Free

Is it caused by merging the meta file?

@Gizmoi Your ‘assetBundleName:’ tag shouldn’t be empty. Try doing this :

Close Unity. And edit your meta file to this

  • fileFormatVersion: 2
  • [guid]( 44f61b131f0b30144b3162f43e26df88
  • folderAsset: yes
  • DefaultImporter:
  • [userData](
  • assetBundleName: ***add_your_bundle_name***
  • assetBundleVariant:

Delete your library and Temp folder in the project. Open unity.

See if this works.

@ I just edited the .meta similar to another image folder which was being build in the asset bundle.

That asset shouldn’t have an asset label set. It is part of a bundle because a parent folder has an asset label.

Does the parent folder of your ‘Kickboxing’ asset have the bundle name assigned in the meta? In my case my parent folder only didnt have the name in the meta file. I had meant that you change the meta of that parent folder to what I had modified. :slight_smile:

I don’t actually get these warnings anymore. But it still don’t get an Asset Bundle Manifest everytime. Only after a couple of attempts do I get one. Even after upgrading to Unity 5.1.0f3, which apparently fixes it.

I met the same problem too,and it confused me for several hours.
And when I seen @digzou 's example, i note the line licenseType: Free,timeCreated: 1428583127
and then I found the assetbundle that IsFolderAsset ,all it’s .meta file have the same line.
So,I delete the “two line” ,and delete “Library” folder,and reopen Unity,It finally works.:wink:
thank you , @digzou .