All the assets worked fine in Xcode, but I’m moving the project into Unity for a better user experience – Have Cavity Dragons Fire Station ready to go, except some of the files have color errors on import. The gums have a stripe, even with import setting as truecolor, max size 4096. The bottom teeth seem partially transparent, but the artist checked in Illustrator, and the look fine there. Please, any advice on how to fix the import? Is there a special way to save the files for Unity vs. Xcode? I tried searching and found one similar thread, but didn’t solve the problem. Thank you, thank you, thank you! [25872-screen+shot+2014-04-28+at+10.20.22+am.png|25872]
Gums now fixed - for future users, I want to share that the setting was different by default for iOS than it was for standalone, so I had to click on the little iPhone icon and fix it there.
The teeth are still semi-transparent. Can anyone suggest the alpha setting for Photoshop? Thank you.