Hello, my asset was just declined and i can’t understand why. It looks like the team gave me a copy/paste reason. So i will try to better undestand it asking here.
The next complaint is about my folder structure. So here is a screenshot of it. I am not sure what is wrong with it. For me it is organized. I put every asset that i create into the Unitycoding folder. Subfolders contain the actual asset. So in this case Behavior Tree, Module Manager and Utilities. Module Manager and Utilities are reused in other assets so they are seperated from the Behavior Tree folder.
Thanks, maybe someone see anything wrong with my images, folder structure or the description. They complained about it, so i know that these three things are wrong or uncomplete, but i am unsure how to improve it.
Your key images do not meet our quality standards. Your image must be high resolution, easy to read, using appealing color theory, and rendered with a lighting set up (if your package is a 3D model). For script and tool packages, we recommend minimalistic designs or high-quality screenshots of your tool or editor extension. For art packages, we recommend using a rendered image of the asset on a muted, flat colored background or minimal gradient. Please do not use the Unity default skybox for your key images. Remember that you must create new designs for each key image size and follow the designated aspect ratios for each key image size. Key images are the most important marketing tool on the Asset Store, so please take the time to make them great! (https://unity3d.com/asset-store/sell-assets/submission-guidelines , Section 2.4.a, 2.4.c)
Your folder structure needs to be more organized. Please place your files under a subfolder of the Asset folder. Having this folder structure prevents your files from getting lost within a pre-existing project if users have the same folder structure. Please put all of the similar file types (Meshes/Scripts/Textures/Prefabs/Ect) to be placed in their own folders instead of having each asset under their own folder. (https://unity3d.com/asset-store/sell-assets/submission-guidelines, Section 3.1.a, 3.1.b)
Your metadata description text needs to be more detailed and specific. The metadata description text needs to include all of the features and functions of your package, how it would benefit the user in their project’s development, and which problems this package could solve for the developer. The metadata description must also list any technical specifications, such as DirectX, .NET4x, any required packages or open-source software, that customers must know prior to purchasing your product. For 3D models, we require that you include the count of polygons and the resolution of the textures. (https://unity3d.com/asset-store/sell-assets/submission-guidelines , Section 2.3.b)
Well, one thing that instantly turns my nose up is- For some reason you have your product in a folder called “Unitycoding”. Is that your company name? Product name? Seems strange.
Yeah. I don’t know if it’s a factor in why the OP was declined, but a few years ago I saw a post from an Asset Store vendor who got declined for using the name “Unity” in the name their product (citing a trademark concern, if I recall correctly). It’s natural that you’d want to include “Unity” in the name of your plugin since it’s written explicitly for Unity. In that case, though, it looked like Unity wanted to reserve their brand name for only official Unity Technologies releases.
Looks like the Zerano has several packages on the store already, though.