Asset Hunter (Project cleaning tool)

As in allsky package examples, I use cubemap, with skybox cubed shader.

There is also some random assets included, they are neither in the scene nor in the Resources folder.

I doubt that this has any connection to my tool, but feel free to send me a mail on HeurekaGames at gmail with a package that contains the ā€œtroubledā€ assets

Iā€™ve been made aware that icons and certificates are incorrectly listed as ā€œUnused Assetsā€.
Iā€™m working on making sure these are included in the build analysis, and it will be fixed in one of the next releases

Looks like some faulty package from the asset store is acting up, it is automatically getting to the build even on an empty scene, removed the package and it is more than 100MB less, I guess Iā€™ll change the skybox as well, from 290MB to 89MB, thanks.

NP, glad you figured it out.

Hi Cascho01

I just finished the Settings feature, and submitted it to the Asset Store. If you want to try it out beforehand, send me a PM. If not, it usually takes about a week for Unity to review, so Itā€™ll be available at that time.

1.3.1 Is now live.

-(NEW FEATURE) Added settings to allow for manually exclude folders and types
-Asset Hunter is now path agnostic, meaning you can move the ā€œHeurekaā€ folder into any folder
-Now recognizes build icons and Win8 certificate

The Settings will allow to to e.g. not include 3rd party folders.

NB: Splash screens are still not recognized since Unityā€™s API does not allow me accessing these.

Happy New Year

Hereā€™s the last three vouchers I have to give away:

All taken

I just got and used this asset and it worked GREAT my 1 gig project is now 700 megs! Also very easy to use.

My one request. I know Unity includes all the scripts because you can always add them on the fly. But it would be nice to at least have the option to scan all the included prefabs/gameobjects for which scripts they have and then show the ā€œunusedā€ ones. Even if you make me type ā€œI KNOW THIS COULD BE BADā€ into a text box before running the scan.

Also, unused scenes would be great too. Lots of assets include demo scenes.

Again thanks for making a really great asset. Totally worth the $10


Hi Carmine

Good idea with the unused scenes, will add that.
With regards to scripts, Itā€™s really the feature I have on the top of my personal wish list.
There is just multiple issues that would make it more or less impossible to do a fool proof version.
Will think about just adding a separate pane with a huge disclaimer that it should be used with care.
Iā€™m just ambivalent about adding a feature to a tool that I sell for money, that I canā€™t guarantee will work properly.

Happy you like the tool :slight_smile:

1.3.3 is now live

-Unity 5 ready

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Is it possible to set it in order use it with 2dToolkit? All images in my project came up as unused, even they are used by 2d toolkit sprite atlas. If not is it possible to this be included in some of the future updates?
Great tool, but since my projects are done with 2dToolkit, i cant use it in full potential.

Here is a snapshot of how it looks like when i run asset hunter, note that i have 3 2dtoolkit types recognized at the end, even i didnt manually include them.


Hi Frikic

The way Asset Hunter works is (mainly) by analyzing the build log and comparing that to the assets in your project. I have no way of automatically analyze other 3rd party tools and figure out if the workflow relies of some asset that shouldnt be included in the build. i.e. the Texture Atlas done by 2Dtoolkit (Or any other atlas tool)

What I have included in the tool though is a way for you to manually exclude certain folders or file types.

If you have your tk2d source files in a specific folder you can choose to exclude that folder by doing the following:

1: Press the ā€œEdit Settingsā€ button in the ā€œAsset Hunterā€ window
2: Select the folder you wish to exclude OR
3: Select a file of a type you wish to exclude
4: Press the ā€œExcludeā€ button

That will make sure that that folder (Or file type) will not be used by ā€œAsset Hunterā€ anymore.

Iā€™m aware that means you have to manually keep track of which source files are used by tk2d. But I have no means of doing a solution that takes the functionality of all tools under consideration.

I hope the Asset Hunter settings can help you somewhat

ā€œI have no way of automatically analyze other 3rd party tools and figure out if the workflow relies of some asset that shouldnt be included in the build. i.e. the Texture Atlas done by 2Dtoolkit (Or any other atlas tool)ā€

Thanks for the answer, do you think that it make sense to request new feature to 2dToolkit makers, in order to they include this info into build log? And if this is possible, what would be the way to request this?

I doubt 2dtk will be able to hook into the buildprocess, but I have thought of a way that might enable Asset Hunter to track construction-assets such as the ones used in 2dtk. It will not be automatic, and will require some manual setup, but it should be possible. Iā€™ve written that on my todo list for Asset Hunter

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great asset! Already cleaned up my project folder. :slight_smile:
Just a (maybe dump) question. What about cleaning up unused scripts e.g. I have many scripts from the standard assets in my project folder so Iā€™d like to clean them up before I will check them into github.
I saw that you already have a list with all the used scripts if I click on build report. Is there any options to see the scripts?

Thank you very much,
best regards,

Hi Mark

Thatā€™s not dumb at all, and its actually at the very top of the list of things I wanā€™t to do with Asset Hunter.
Just quite hard to do so :slight_smile: Since Unity by default includes ALL scripts in a build, I canā€™t get that information from the build log.
I have an idea of how to achieve it, but still have no real breakthrough.


Thank you very much for your reply.

Looking forward to the feature :slight_smile:

Hello. What mean a red button ā€œLoad Build Log (Required)ā€ ?


Iā€™m using Asset Hunter, it cleaned my project, but now I cant get project to compile.

Here is the error Iā€™m getting, Iā€™m using Unity 5.1, any ideas?

Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in :0

at Mono.CSharp.RootNamespace.ComputeNamespaces (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, System.Type extensionType) [0x00000] in :0

at Mono.CSharp.RootNamespace.ComputeNamespace (Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext ctx, System.Type extensionType) [0x00000] in :0

at Mono.CSharp.GlobalRootNamespace.ComputeNamespaces (Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext ctx) [0x00000] in :0

at Mono.CSharp.Driver.LoadReferences () [0x00000] in :0

at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Compile () [0x00000] in :0

at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Main (System.String[ ] args) [0x00000] in :0