Welcome to the Asset Manager For Unity discussion thread. You can use this thread to ask for help, share feedback, and have discussions about the asset-manager-for-unity package.
Asset Manager for Unity is a package that integrates Unity Cloud assets into the Unity Editor. You can search, browse, and preview Unity Cloud Assets in a project. We are enabling you to upload and download your assets to your Unity project through Asset Manager. This allows you to share, discover, and manage your assets across your Unity projects. Most importantly it’s free to try and use right now!
For more information, please have a look at…
- The minimum required Unity version is 2022.3 LTS.
Getting started
Sign in to https://cloud.unity.com/
Add a new Asset Manager enabled Unity Cloud Project if you do not have one already
When creating a new Unity project through the Hub make sure the Organization is set and the checkbox for Unity Cloud is ticked
Open your project in Unity and install the package
Find the Asset Manager window in the file menu “Window > Asset Manager”
These steps will be streamlined in the upcoming versions of the package so you can get to sharing and creating faster.
Current state
This package is currently in the experimental state and not for production use. We are using this time to gather feedback, bugs, and workflow issues from you.
What’s next
In the next few months we will be improving this package based on your feedback.
Please share your feedback in the forum section and make the topic clear as we share this form section with the other parts of the Asset Manager ecosystem (Blender SDK, Packages, Dashboard, etc).
Thank you for your interest, we’re looking forward to your feedback!