asset pipeline v2 still got serious bug.Cause lag on script compile[profiler attached]

The topic may not common but surely there are similar victims.
Please take notice.It was just easy to reproduced by creating a new project. If it can not be recreated,this computer won’t happen anymore.It replys on hardwares I think.

Similar topic:

Unity got serious problems on the save/script instant compile for 2019.3+ (100 percent happen on 2019.4 or 2020)
I am afraid that the promblem maybe linked with the pakcage manager or asset bundle something as 2019.2.7 did not happens.
I have changed IDE from vs to rider.Still got the same problem while saving is maddly slow.
I just create a new project and the bad lag happened. My computer 16GB win10 with RTX2060s cpu:I5 9400f
it must be a unity bug conflict with system.Because very few person seems faced this problem.
With the lag,unity is just jammed and useless but it can not used for work anymore.
Any time you just change a number to test the game would wait like a fool for 3-5 seconds.
Please fix as it is an urgent 1st serious bug I’ve ever meet

I got some profiler infos here.Just change script from a=1 to a=0;and save
it cost 5 sceonds!

I looks the application.message and assetdatabse cost too much on save.
It was just an empty 2d project!

Reinstall unity and computer system also wont work.This is not a random bug.

up,if anyone can help.Thanks

As I have search many on google.I am quite sure the problem was detected on assetpipline v2.
This did not fix even on lastest unity of 2019.4 and 2020.1

I have a way to “fix” this problem by degrade the project to 2019.2.7 version which use asset pipline v1.
Then upgrade to high version of unity by chosing no when ask for pipline version.

The asset pipline v2 is completely an unquailified product.Do not keep using it without a choice on later version please.

I also have this on two machines, but the third one has no problem at all.
All on 2019.4.8

Unity seems did not tested on enough devices.I think they should emphasis this issue to top 1 bug list.
But they don’t.

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