Asset rejected with very weird reason

Hello, was just wondering if someone else had this issue before,

i basically submitted only a terrain, including some textures for it but got this as reason for rejection:

“If you are including a third-party plugin, we would ask that you please include their license in your submission, so long as it is a MIT, BSD3 or CC0.”

imagine three question marks over my head on this one. - any explanation would be greatly appreciated considering i have not included any third party plugin. (i have however written in the description that my terrain was created using third party software. - has someone maybe not bothered looking properly?)

only thing i can imagine is that they want a proof of license that i am allowed to sell terrain made with that third party software - but then shouldn’t they require proof of license for every software used? i could use all sorts of software to create the assets i sell.(but dont i tick the box before submission to confirm that i have the rights to sell those assets?)

All I can think of is to re-submit.

Yeah - I’d list the software used in the description you provided just so there isn’t any confusion.
You may consider removing the “third party” label also - since all software is 3rd party unless, in this case it was created by Unity or created by the company that developed your operating system.

Just remove the line, clarify it and resubmit… Maybe someone misread it.

cool, ill do that, just frustrating that it wastes 2 weeks of time because someone misread something in the testing department. but i guess we all have been there.

As an FYI, when you submit your asset there is also a box that allows you to provide specific details / instructions for the asset store viewers. Make sure you fill that out and explain it as well.

Are those textures generated by third party software too? I think the reason for rejection - there’s no info about the textures.