Asset Server 2.5 Additional Questions

When would you want to use the Asset Server? Is this something you need to purchase with Unity?

I have plans to make a small social world/community, chat, games etc.

I am just trying to consider my costs.

Thank you!

The Unity Asset Server is an author-time feature that helps provide project source control capabilities for those working in teams/groups. It has absolutely no bearing on your content once it’s built and released as it’s only used by the editor.

Thank you very much!

Mr. Higgins,

  1. Per the thread title: What is “Asset Server v2.5” ?

  2. Will there be an asset server update with the release of 2.5?


There is just the Asset Server (no “version 2.5” of it), the server itself isn’t being updated in the coming Unity 2.5 release. The OP mentioned nothing version specific in their text so I simply ducked the issue without correcting or mentioning the thread title. :slight_smile: