Asset server alternative

Hello, we have 2 licenses for asset server, but it has always been very buggy and unstable. We’re located in different parts of the world while working on the same project. The asset server itself is not able to normally update the project (disconnects all the time in a direct connection), so we’re using OpenVPN as a “tunnel”. We’re still getting lots of disconnects with OpenVPN - it’s impossible to update the project if it is more than 100 mb. What a shame on Unity team for charging such amount of money for the asset server and providing no updates and support whatsoever!

My question is - what’s a good alternative for Asset Server, that can be easily set up with unity and encrypts the data on-the-fly, without the need for VPN? I need something very stable.

Also, is there a way to merge .unity scenes? It’s very common when 2 people are working on the same scene and everyone does some changes to the scene file, but afterwards there’s no way to merge the files.

Unity itself now has an interface for connecting to outside source control software such as P4Merge, WinMerge, TortoiseMerge etc. (the full list is located under ‘Edit → Preferences → External Tools’ in Unity 3.5beta. No such option for older versions).

I’m not sure if it’s possible to merge scenes yet as I haven’t tried that myself, but it’s been on the roadmap, for the very least.

I found that adding the following commands to the server config of OpenVPN over high-latency link made the connection much more stable:

fragment 1400

If using OpenVPN Access Server, do the following:

 1. Go to Access Server admin page.
 2. Open "Advanced VPN Settings" menu.
 3. Add the above commands into "Server Config Directives" and "Client Config Directives"
 4. Change the connection type to UDP (in "Server Network Settings")

Hope this can help someone.