Asset store a solid business model?

hi guys I would like to know about the asset store business model … Like are people making good amount of money and if it is worth putting effort in ?
How many sales do good asset get in a single day (Estimate)
I know this might be to deep or personal guys could you plz tell me how much you make from asset store drop links of asset I would Love to know (if you don’t plz don’t that’s fine) I just need some research and hope that you guys can help out. Thanks…

Posted and previously asked… please see here:


I’ve made 1500 in a single day before, so yes it’s a solid business model as long as you don’t make un-needed stuff.
The only way to truly hit a nice pay day is to make something worth paying for. E.G. - Some kind of Editor Tool or Script.

There’s an Editor Tool I am making right now that will literally (for a fact) change the entire way Unity works when it comes to Teams. And I’m not just saying that to say that. It will literally change the very foundation of how teams work within Unity.
Not going to talk about that though as that’s not the purpose to the thread.

But realize, yes, you can make 30 grand a month on the Asset Store, at least temporarily.


WOW … First of all respect for your replay and thanks… $1500 is just a crazy amount of money in a single day was that for only one asset or in total ?

And good luck for your upcoming asset project :slight_smile:

Yea it was for one single product. And thanks man.

Thanks bro … Didn’t know about that

No problem. There’s already 2 pages and a ton of good information there.

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Publish it and see what happens. You literally have nothing to loose.

Yeah ^^ that’s what I’m gona do and see what happens …thanks

My experience – I focus on 3D models. I pay someone to do the modeling and texturing, and I pay someone to do the animations, and recently I began paying someone to make custom audio for the characters as well. I do the texture customization work and unity integration, and all the website design and stuff like that. In the end, it’s a full time job, most of the time. Sometimes I’m stuck with nothing to update or work on, in which case I have free time :smile:

I’ve made much less than I had expected. My “Dragons” package is a winner, yes, although I don’t track my hours, and I have a feeling that if I isolated the hours spent working on the dragons pack, it’d be less than an average salary for my area.

Other models, however, don’t sell much at all. Chests? They’re a great package of course…but they only sell once every 3 months or so. Mushroom monster? Sweet – once every 2-3 months. In fact aside from the dragon and the Dungeon+ pack, nothing has sold more than maybe 10-15 times without being on 24 hour sale (the gargoyle, a year ago).

Slowly the sales volume is increasing, as people are exposed to my work and my library grows. Hopefully before the end of the year I’ll be breaking even each month, and then I can start paying back my retirement account!

I would say, if you have the skills to do it yourself, and the time, then do it because you have nothing to lose. But if you plan on spending $$ up front (like I did!), be cautious about it. I was hoping for 4-6 sales a month per package. But I was off by a lot! My only real hope now is that every package gets to be part of a some sale at some point – that will generally pay for most of the cost (not including the time I spent) of the models. And keep me from worrying i made a mistake! :smile:

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Very informative thanks:) how many sales do you get with your dungeons pack asset in a day ?

I checked assets in your signature, it quited hard to believe for cheap assets like that. So unless you talking about another asset, that pretty surprising how many people rate an asset compared to how many bought it

They used to cost more LOL. And yeah, people hardly ever rate anything unfortunately.
Not sure if I’d rather have a bad rate or no rate at all though haha. At least a No Rate doesn’t hurt my reputation.
But then again, I’ll never know if there’s anything wrong with anything. But if something was really that wrong,
I’m sure I’d have an instant 1 star rating.

But yeah, in a single day 1500.


The majority of people never leave a rating any place. They just buy the asset, game, toaster, etc and move on to the next thing on their “to do” or spur of the moment activities. For each rating / review there may be 50 to 500 (or more!) others who also bought.

I’ve bought many assets and think I left a review on only one. Bought many Steam games and have never left a review for any yet.

Perhaps we should start leaving ratings and maybe fortune will bless us with riches beyond our imaginations? LMAO lol.
Naw I do rate certain things occasionally. Only if it’s a really well made product I will.

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Yeah I occasionally think I really should review the things I’ve bought at least the ones I really like and dislike. Thing is… ya know… when I am buying games I generally don’t even install them til weeks or months later. There are exceptions of course. Then at some point (on a weekend or holiday generally) I will take several hours and check out some of the games sitting in my library.

For assets it is a completely different mindset. I am generally looking for a solution to some problem “right now”. So I check out options then (knowing most are not going to work out for me for one reason or another) buy several assets just in the hope I’ll get something that is useful. Anyway, I’m trying to do something at that point so really don’t have time to bother going back to the asset store and leaving a review. Generally what I’ve bought is not so useful which means I end up needing to do the same thing myself from scratch. I’ve already wasted money & time at that point so I don’t want to waste even more time leaving a review. … if that makes sense?

You can always press the little stars inside the Asset Menu inside Unity :stuck_out_tongue: don’t gotta leave a review, but it will certainly give them a bad or good star :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah but then I think I would be leaving a lot of bad ratings and I think I probably expect more than most do. So I’d be steering people away from assets that might be perfectly fine for the majority. It’s kind of like this…

If I were to make an asset to sell I’d test the hell out of it and spend time redesigning it trying to streamline as much as possible. Always asking myself “is there a better way?” and “what feature is missing that really should be in here”? I’d probably make a couple of different test games using the asset to help answer those questions.

If I were to make a 2D art asset… which means if I were to hire the artists to create art… I’d either pay them to deliver the sprites both individually and as sprite sheets or I would take the time to package the content in various ways myself. Again just trying to figure out what would make this as easy to work with as possible?

So when I buy assets I guess I have these same expectations and when I end up with assets that have a tedious workflow it just puts me off. Of course, the 2D content I bought this weekend was super cheap so I probably should not expect any added value from it… but I do. For me time is my most valued resource. I’d rather spend money than time any day.

EDIT: On lunch break I decided to do my first Steam Review. On Orcs. Maybe once per week I’ll write a review on Steam or Asset Store. Might be helpful to someone.