Asset Store Asset relationship to Licence / Developer

If I have 5 people working on a game. If one buys and downloads an asset and adds it to the game. Do the other 4 developers also need to purchase the Asset to legally be allowed to build the game after the Asset was added? Or does one developer working on the game purchasing an Asset cover the full team?


In most cases, it covers the full team as long as they are employees / working for the same company. If they are independent developers they need to purchase a license. Look closely at the asset though, editor plugins can have a ā€œPer Seatā€ license, which means that one would need to be purchased by each developer.

To clarify with picsā€¦

Per seat license: New license
Per seat license: Already owned (note, buy additional licenses)

Per seat license means you must buy a license for each ā€˜seatā€™ or workstation using it. (basically, check the eula for details.)

If it is not the Per Seat license type then you can just buy one license for the entire studio.

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