Asset Store: Cannot download asset; Stuck at "Downloading 0%"

It’s simply not letting me download any asset on the Asset Store, even ones that I’ve bought previously. I’ve tried using the old store, but the button just shows “Error” when I click it. I’ve closed and reopened Unity a few times.

Unity: 2018.3.0f2
Ubuntu: 18.04

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I have the same problem, I’ve tried with 2018.3.1f1 and 2019 beta and latest 2017 and it is not working. I’e tried reinstalling several times as well as turning off the firewall and still doesn’t work. Has anyone resolved it ?

I seem to have found my problem. I had in my router set a url filter for certain sites. One of them was specifically marked as https:… others just www… As soon as I removed that, it works.

I am having the same issue on:
Fedora 30 (5.1.12-300.fc30.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 19 15:19:49 UTC 2019)
Unity 2019.2.5f1 Personal.

I tried changing options on my router(disabled firewall and such) but it made no difference.

I also tried using the unity_network_reporter to debug but could not see what the issue is. I’ll attach the log in case anyone with more experience wants to take a look.

4971797–484319–UnityNetworkReport_20190917111554.txt (22.1 KB)

OK I found my issue.
When I checked the log file found in ~/.config/unity3d/Editor.log I saw a curl error related to a missing ca-certificates.crt (I haven’t got the log now as it was overwritten).

This led me to the following webpage

The location on fedora is slightly different so the command I used was:
sudo ln -s /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt


Thank man this solved my problem with Fedora 30

I had issues when domains:
are blocked for some reason on LAN/WAN.
Using Pi-hole with lots of blacklists so I whitelisted those two domains.

I will take a look at this from the Unity side.

Thanks for the lead on the problem, @GHOON . I have a bug on our end. You can view it at Unity Issue Tracker - Connection fails when creating a link using Collab on CentOS.

@GHOON I worship heroes like you! Thank you for your answer.

I solved this problem by using VPN.