Asset store: Can't edit options on Publisher administration


I am trying to edit “payout” infos on unity asset store, but it just seems to be impossible.
I always have: "There are errors in your form, see the highlighted fields above! " even when everything is filled!

Also, the country drop down list isn’t working. (no countries in it), but that’s not a mandatory field.
I have tried restarting unity, restarting my computer, nothing.
Tried in FF and IE.

Does anyone have a solution to this issue?
Thanks in advance!


I checked your account, and it seems that you were able to successfully edit the payout information.

Are you still experiencing this issue? Is there more information you can provide? A screen recording of you loging on and going to the payout page could help. Of course, in this case you should send it directly to me.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Leonardo Carneiro
Online Services Developer
Unity Technologies

Yep, thanks, I was able to do it :).

In fact, after loging in several times, I came to the following conclusion:

When I open the asset store window first, (and i am auto loged in), then goes to the publisher administration, all the publisher administration doesn’t work.

I have to logout in publisher admin, then re enter my credentials there. After, everything works smoothly.

It aslo works if I first go un publisher admin, and login there.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, and I hope this can help some other people having the same issue!

Actuall I still experience this issue. No matter what I do I have yellow warnings next to every field in the Payout tab. The error says that the fields are mandatory, even though every single one is filled out properly. Also it’s the 16th, I’m using Paypal payout and I have no deposit (even though I have good revenue). What gives?