Asset Store cart bug.

I bought something using Express Checkout and it was not removed from the shopping cart.
I believe that this is an uncaught bug. Although, it could be an “intentional feature” that has an objective I am not aware of.

Steps to reproduce:
1- Add an asset to cart.
2- Go to shopping cart and click on item.
3- Use express checkout to purchase item.
4- Fill-in required information and purchase item.
5- Go back to shopping cart page, and notice that the item is still in the shopping cart, and that you have to manually remove it from there.

Maybe it’s a feature, so you don’t have to put them in the cart again if you need multiple seats of said assets…:roll_eyes:

I just tried the steps you mentioned and i have to say that this is totally intentional and rightfully so.

Let me explain:
If you have added the item to the shopping cart and then click on said item in your cart, you will be forwarded to the store page of this item. You are now no longer in your shopping cart. So if you now express purchase the item ‘directly’, you are circumventing your shopping cart. To me, from a programmers point of view, that makes perfect sense.

Fair enough. I am also a programmer and I am used to clients and my supervisors asking me to ‘fix’ these kinds of bugs. I just thought I’d mention it in case they had missed it.

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I am also a programmer, but from a customer’s point of view I think it’s broken. If I am going through the act of buying a thing, and then I complete the act of buying the thing with a different button, I still expect that the system will recognise that I have completed the purchase.

But I’m not familiar enough with online shops to know what the broader expectations might be.

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