Asset Store Checker: chrome extension for the Asset Store Publishers

Fellow publishers,

I’ve created simple chrome extension that periodically checks publishers revenue on the asset store and displays it right in the chrome toolbar.


It also shows a notification if something has sold.


I’ve created it for my own needs and decided to share with the community. You can get if for free for the GitHub:


The extension does not require any settings, just make sure you’re logged in on the Asset Store with your publisher account.

Don’t hesitate to post your feedback, suggestion or critic. Pull requests are also welcome.Thanks!

Thanks for a neat extension :slight_smile: I do have a problem in that I don’t hear the sound, I did replace the coin.mp3 with my own coin.mp3 file and reinstalled the extension but no sound, am I missing something?

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Have no idea about the sound, all works fine on my desktop and laptop. Do you use the latest version of Chrome?

Been using your extension but it now just shows the red err box all the time, I have downloaded the latest version from Github with the month install change. Is there something else I need to do to get this working again?

Do you have any errors in the console? To check them you need to open background page inspector and reload the extension:

No errors in the console, I can see it doing its check where you get the small grey box with “…” in but then get the red err, it was working just fine till a few days ago. Maybe Chrome updated and broke something, using Version 58.0.3029.19 Beta

Can you please post a screenshot with your background page inspector?

I’m using latest stable Chrome version: 57.0.2987.110 and all works fine. Maybe it’s some bugs or critical changes in beta version you use?