Asset Store doesn't work in Unity 5

I just noticed that Asset Store doesn’t work out here.
I posted more info here:

Thanks for reading this and I am sorry if I did something wrong when posting this, I am totally new here!

My thread with screenshot: Asset store doesn't work (on archlinux) - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

Another thread: Asset store appear empty - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

Indeed, the same problem. Is it releated to system specs?

this is working for me after figuring out the network problems, maybe the store was down?

It still doesn’t work for me.

I also tried “the radical cure”

mkdir libs
mv *.so* libs
ln -s libs/ .
ln -s libs/ .
ln -s libs/ .
ln -s libs/ .

I once saw a “you are offline” page in the asset store. So in principle the window works. But everything else is just completely white. Edit - Sign out and Edit - Sign In works this way, but not the asset store.

Same here, the after the “connecting…” the window appear blank

I hope that Unity solves this as soon as possible…

I want to subnote another problem here. It is light baking which fails to load the GI probe texture or something like that from ~/.cache/Unity…

Also for me, under Ubuntu 15.04 the asset store screen remains blank.

Ubuntu 15.04

The asset store works in-editor, I can search it and receive details for all of the packages. However when I press “Import package” it will open the Buy package from Asset Store window but the progress bar remains at the beginning, and the following error pops up: “The server was unable to build the package. Please re-import.” It has two options I can choose, either Ok or an unlabeled button.

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I can open the asset store from the editor and import packages. But I did have to delete the libresolv that came bundled with the editor to pass the login screen. Can anyone who is experiencing this problem attempt to move the libresolv out of that folder and see if that helps

This happens to me, too, although I can see the window loading with a loading animation for a moment before it turns completely white. Removing the in Unity/Editor/Data/Tools did not help. I am on Ubuntu 15.04, too.

Nobody has any idea yet? :frowning:

It doesn’t look like it is version related. For many with Ubuntu 14.04 it works, but here is someone with Ubuntu 14.04 where it doesn’t work: Asset store appear empty - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

@Nibodhika do you have libresolv on your system? What DE are you running? I’m running GNOME and I’ve had this problem since day 0 (of the closed beta).

Edit: And I had to delete libresolv to log in, but I remember builds where it worked fine.

Yes I have libresolv on my system and I deleted the bundled one (I wasn’t able to login otherwise).

/usr/lib/ is owned by glibc 2.22-1

I’m running i3wm and using NetworkManager for, well, network management.

Also it’s worth noticing that I have chromium, chrome, and vivaldi installed on this machine (since the unity editor uses chrome-sandbox). And it does take quite a while (about 30 secs) to load the asset store.

with the new Build #2015090301 the asset store still doesn’ work

The same problem. I’ve reinstall Unity yesterday with new build. Still empty asset store window.
Linux Mint 17.2 64bit.

Yep, no change, tried waiting ~2 minutes and still a white window (except for decoration of course).

Gentoo distr. Asset Store - white screen.
In editor log:
[0909/] GLib-GObject: invalid cast from ‘GtkDrawingArea’ to ‘GtkDialog’
[0909/] Gtk: IA__gtk_dialog_get_content_area: assertion ‘GTK_IS_DIALOG (dialog)’ failed
[CEF] processResult error: [object Object] in at line 1031
[CEF] [Global Exception] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘GetString’ of null [] notLogged in at line 1678
[CEF] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘GetString’ of null in at line 6760

Fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04 and still no working Asset Store.