Asset store error attached

the store isn’t working for me , the window appears with this error and I’m unable to navigate after that

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the same error i am also getting. when i open my Assets server. any one help us
Thanks in Advance

Someone in a different thread said they got that error message but you can get to the store by clicking in the search button on the top right and typing in assets or browse assets. It worked for me. It was very frustrating all day until I decided to go to the forum and found that thread. : )

That other thread was this one

I have fixed the problem which was caused by a small error on the server side. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I’m sure hundreds if not thousands of us thank you. : ) ) )

I think the asset store is one of the best things Unity ever did, especially for the Indie developer— among too many best things to mention–because often coders are useless with graphics and now my project has such lovely flowers and mushrooms and other things that are so helpful. I think I’ve gotten everything Frogames made for Unity and hoping they’ll make even more compatible with Unity. : ) You need just enough stuff to tell a story and make a game. : ) But you need stuff that looks really good and the asset store has all that to offer.