Asset Store Error


Anytime I try to sign into the store or open any page on there I get this message;

“Internal server error: agent error”

It was fine only 10 minutes ago, can anyone suggest what’s happened? Obviously i’m signed in OK on here and on the main website, it’s purely the asset store that’s doing it - which is obviously rather frustrating.

The Asset Store website and access to it through the Package Manager are down for me as well, so it’s not just you.

Oh thank god. I only started using the software today and transferred it all over to a larger drive, I thought i’d messed it all up somehow.
Thank you, sorry for the wasted thread!

Not a waste at all. I came on here to see if anyone else was having the same issue;)

Also Power Tools bundle disappeared. It should last for at least one day more.

They must be updating the store or something. I can’t see any publisher page.
EDIT: nvm, it seems the problem is with all services.

There are multiple services down at the moment.

“Welcome to your assets page! You currently have no assets.” Please tell me this is not just me. I have thousands of dollars of paid assets :rage::rage::hushed::hushed::hushed::hushed::hushed:

Same here

Blimey, and I was annoyed at potentially losing a few hours work…really hope this is something that’s solved soon for the people who have actually paid!

To clarify, don’t know if it’s the same for everyone, but sometimes my assets are now showing on the asset store - but I cannot access them at all in the Package Manager in software.

Jeah, . . same here too : o ! ! i was worried first but now i am chilled, . . thats not just me ! ! : )