Asset store: google analytics down on asset pages only?

My google analytics for my asset store pages stopped working yesterday morning around 6am for my asset page (the company page works fine). Litlle blips or outages here and there have happened on my game before so I realize little issues here and there happen.

When it had been down for over half a day though I did some troubleshooting/investigating on my side and that’s when I noticed only the asset page was not getting reported anymore (the publisher page is fine). Anyone else experiencing this?

Yes I’m experiencing the very same issue and there are more out there. The issue is brought up in the publisher group but let’s see if @caitlyn has any more info on the subject!

Same problem here. Starting by 9th April my Google Analytics stats for my Unity Asset Store pages doesn’t work anymore (the stats dropped). I also see a notification from Google that says something like that, which i not understand the real meaning (i’ll try to translate from italian to english the content of that notification): "Mismatch tracking code - The tracking code in the page doesn’t matches the tracking ID of the page Asset Store Analytics UA-XXXXXXXX-X (which is my UA code that i’ve set on Unity Publisher Info page and previously worked correctly). Doesn’t know if this could be the problem and doens’t know what this notification really means.

There is an official thread on this problem or another thread i can follow ?


I don’t believe that is the issue, my pages have always stated that and worked fine before. I would assume this message is normal for asset store publisher and asset pages. The lack of reporting recently started so I don’t think they’re related.

As far as an official thread I don’t know of one. @save is there a way to join this publisher group?

This seems to have been cleared up Monday morning. At least data flow has resumed for my packages on google analytics.