Asset Store IAP or Services IAP?

I’m confused by the existence of the IAP on the Asset Store when activating IAP in the Services window seems to install its own package. After installing the Services IAP, importing the Asset Store IAP appears to add six more files, three of which are .csv, and three are .unitypackage files (which is also a bit confusing).

Which should we be using? Both?

Thanks for any help.

Both, as mentioned in your other posts.

Thanks. It’s a bit confusing that they use different numbers. After I have downloaded the Asset Store part, will I need to do that again for each new Unity project I start that will use IAP, or does turning IAP on in services and importing from there find the previous download?

You will need to import IAP on every project.

Thanks. Must I also download from the Asset Store on every project?

Yes, that is what I meant. But once you download any asset, it is available for all local projects to import.

Now that is interesting because I never imported the Asset Store download in my current project. I only turned on IAP in Services and clicked the “Import” button there. However, when I select Window / Unity IAP / IAP Updates…, it says I have the latest version:

Do I still need to import the Asset Store download?

You already have it imported. The import process pulls in the asset.