Asset Store Packages - Demo Scenes

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I figure this is the best place suited for it.

Since as long as I can remember the unofficial official workflow of using the asset store has been:

  • Buy asset
  • download asset into empty project
  • Copy the bits you need into your actual project

The reasoning behind this, is because it has some big positives:

  • You don’t gunk up your project with demo assets (which are required for asset store submission)

  • You don’t edit the original assets

  • you always have a clean copy

  • You don’t cross reference things from the demo which may be cleaned up at a later date

But now with the Package manager working with the store (which I LOVE the idea) How is this suppose to work?

The required demo of the asset will always be in every project that uses that package?

I am about to submit a Asset Store submission of my product which focuses on Asset management, its a bit ironic of me to gunk up the project of my users with demo assets.

My suggestion is that Asset store submission would require two packages, a core package and a demo package (with the latter being dependent on the former).

Apologies if I have misunderstood something and there is a work around for this

Thanks in advance!

ah maybe Samples in Packages - Manual Setup is the answer to this