Hello everyone,
I’m wondering if any of you with products on the Asset Store have received any information from the staff of the store on your Quarter 1 payments. I sent them an email, but no response for a whole week now, as usual.
Their FAQ stipulated that we would be contacted shortly after March 31 for our bank info.
I made exactly that. I just wish they had support staff or something. I recall a thread of many upset users who had all been trying to get the Asset Store to respond to them for a month or more. I still want to know if anyone else has been contacted about Q1 payment
Even though I wouldn’t have gotten a payout this month, I tried emailing a question about it and got no response as well. I have to say, I’m a little disappointed in the way UT is handling the financial aspect of the Asset Store at the moment. I think it’s set up rather strange, and ignoring inquires from developers seems rather rude. I know it’s still new and there will be kinks to work out, but the way the financial end is handled needs some revision and better developer support IMO.
I don’t know where they came up with the $250 threshold, but I’d like to see it lowered to around $100 and be paid out monthly. The whole invoicing thing seems goofy too. Why not just collect bank info or a paypal account and pay out automatically?
Seems they do all manualy, so I think actualy 3 mounth waiting is cool, or they will spend all time in sending payments. Also by paying customers every 3 mounth, they can place all benefits and get 3 mounth bank interest, that is a compensation for the low 30% rate they charge us I think.
It’s not a mystery; it’s stated in the guidelines.
I strongly disagree. It should be monthly, and there’s no way they would “spend all time in sending payments”. It’s just not that time-consuming, and there aren’t that many developers. Especially since you need to have accumulated at least $250 (after UT takes their cut), which probably means for some people it wouldn’t be monthly anyway.
The Asset Store is a new and very much appreciated asset for all of us, no doubt. I agree that many things are set up oddly, but that is to be expected and I have hope for its future. The ignoring emails is not professional.
By the way, the Provider Agreement allows 10 days from the end of the quarter for a report of earnings.
temo_koki… I was not paid because i only grossed $250. You must net at least $250 to be paid. Wouldn’t you know i net’d more than $250 just afew days later, my luck.
wow, how many quarters did it take you to make that much?
I want to try submitting a nice asset of mine to the Asset store, seeing as I want cash for a new computer…
Some people are getting paid and some aren’t; I’m not sure what could be going on…